Hey bloggers, how you doing? Today I thought we would explore Roger McGough’s poem “Beatings” and express why it should be apart of the Greatest Poetry of All Time. Roger_McGough was an English poet, broadcaster, children’s author and playwright. He based his life around his profession and created many wonders. Roger McGough successfully created an emotional rollercoaster with the use of alliteration and cacophony to express his theme of the loss of love between a Father and Son.
“A Poisoned apple Passed along, Domestic Daily cruelty.” (Stanza 2, Line 2) The small use of alliteration creates an echo in the reader’s mind. The poisoned apple reference to the apple in Snow White however, in this case it is the family ‘tradition’ of beating the son. The use of alliteration creates a melodic rhythm and therefore helps readers remember certain morals creating a connection between the characters feelings and the reader. Another example of alliteration is in stanza 5, Line 3, “Property Paid for” in this phrase the boy expresses how his Father has lost any love for him, as he feels as if he is an object that his Father paid for but has no emotional attachment too. He is his Father’s living punching bag.
Roger McGough has used countless poetic devices in his poem with another one being cacophony. Cacophony is the use of harsh, discordant mixtures of words. For instance, “Not the CuRsing or the BRUIsing, the FRuSTRation and the FeaR.” (Stanza 4 Line 1) The Poet has used cacophony to resemble the Father’s feelings and actions. In the Poem the Father is cruel and harsh and portrayed as a violent bully, so by using harsh sounding words the Father has been mimiced. Cacophony creates an emotional connection between the audience and the character. “Property paid for Violence condoned.” (Stanza 5, Line 4) this line shows how the cruelty is accepted behavior that is considered morally wrong. Through the use of cacophony the reader experiences the memory with the child and realises that the child has lost he’s Father’s love.
Overall, Roger McGough has created a heart renching poem with the use of simile and metaphor. I believe he has rightfully earnt a spot in the Greatest Poetry of All Time.
My father beats me up Just like his father did And grandad he was beaten By great grandad as a kid From generation to generation A poisoned apple passed along Domestic daily cruelty No one thinking it was wrong And it was Not the cursing and the bruising The frustration and the fear A normal child can cope with that It grows easier by the year But the ignorance, believing That the child is somehow owned Property paid for Violence condoned
By Roger McGough